Groups Need Good Facilitation.

And it's your job as a facilitator to create an environment where everyone can thrive.

  • Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to your profession.

  • Now more than ever, providing effective reflective group facilitation in a supportive and structured environment is an essential skill in your professional toolkit.

  • However, like many practitioners, before they enrol in the Foundation Certificate in Reflective Practice Facilitation Skills, you may find it challenging to effectively facilitate groups or you don't know where to begin.

  • If that's the case — the Foundation Certificate in Facilitation Skills is the introduction you need to begin and enhance your group facilitation practice.

  • Are you ready to gain the skills necessary to create a psychologically secure environment, foster open communication, and emphasise reflective practice in your groups?

By the End of This Programme, You'll Have Acquired:

  • Basics of Effective Group Facilitation

    You'll understand the foundational principles of leading and managing group sessions, with a focus on reflective practice.

  • The Ability to Create a Safe Environment

    You'll have an introduction to the methods of crafting a psychologically secure space for all participants, fostering open communication, trust and learning.

  • Introduction to Reflective Practice

    As a budding Practitioner-facilitator, you'll gain insights into providing reflective practice support, empowering peers in their self-support and reflective practice journey.

  • Recognition of Transferable Skills

    You'll start to identify and harness the transferable skills many practitioners bring, and learn how these can be applied to group facilitation.

  • Foundations of Established Models

    With an introduction to models like the critical apprenticeship/learning-by-doing approach and concepts such as “knowing-in-action”, you'll begin your journey with a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical tools for group facilitation.

Above All Else...

The Foundation Certificate in Reflective Practice Group Facilitation Skills will provide you with appropriate techniques for effective group sessions, an emphasis on reflective practice, and skills to create safe environments, as well as methods to foster open communication. These components will equip you with the ability to confidently apply these skills in the facilitation of group interactions.

Highly recommended course. Wasn't familiar with Reflective Practice until this training.

Course Participant Feedback

The Foundation Certificate in Reflective Practice Group Facilitation Skills Will Transform Your Group Facilitation Practice.

It's Officially OPEN for Enrolment!

Module 1

Introduction to Group Facilitation (3 Days)

The Foundation Certificate in Reflective Practice Group Facilitation Skills is a three-day training module designed to introduce participants to the role of Practitioner-facilitators. These individuals serve as reflective practice support for their peers, empowering them to be proactive in their own support and self-care.

Recognising that not every frontline practitioner comes equipped with the skills to facilitate reflective support groups, this module aims to tap into their transferable skills. It offers a structured pathway to develop and refine these skills, drawing inspiration from established models such as the critical apprenticeship/learning-by-doing approach (Collins, 1991; Kolb, 1984; Vygotsky,1978) and concepts like “knowing-in-action” (Schön, 1983).

Over the course of three days, participants will:

  1. Participate in a Reflective Practice Group.
  2. Delve into the competencies and skills essential for facilitating Reflective Practice Groups.
  3. Practise peer support.
  4. Practise the art of facilitating a Reflective Practice Group.

Key competencies and skills that will be honed include:

  • Crafting a psychologically safe space for participants.
  • Encouraging ethical discussions and finding solutions.
  • Containing participants’ anxieties and fears related to mistakes and judgement.
  • Effective communication and appropriate intervention.
  • Engaging, modelling and encouraging intelligent empathy.
  • Navigating the “support – challenge” continuum adeptly.
  • Facilitating conversations about difficult issues.
  • Providing and receiving feedback in a constructive manner.
  • Pre-empting, identifying and managing possible triggers for participants.
  • Facilitating the cycle of experiencing/learning/applying.

The reflective/supervision approach is based on a 3R’s model of facilitation of reflective support groups (Costa, 2020), which aim to be:

Reparative – providing support and fostering connections.

Reflective - facilitating learning from challenges.

Responsive – applying insights from the reflective practice support group to individual practice and systemic development.

Module 2

Practical Application and Supervision (4 Half Days)

After the foundational training in Module 1, Module 2 emphasises the hands-on application of the skills learned. Participants are tasked with independently organising and leading a series of 4 practice groups as trainee facilitators, without the presence of the trainer. This setup is intentional, allowing participants to immerse themselves fully in the facilitation role and navigate the dynamics of group facilitation on their own.

To ensure continuous growth and address any challenges encountered during these sessions, each practice group will be followed by a 1.5-hour group supervision session. These sessions, led by the trainer, aim to provide constructive feedback, answer any queries, and reinforce the principles of effective group facilitation, ensuring participants are well-equipped to handle future facilitation scenarios.

January 2024 Cohort

Places still available

Module 1: 

Saturday, January 6th

Sunday, January 7th

Saturday, February 3rd

Please note that Module 1 course times are 10am - 4pm, UK Time each day.

Module 2: To be arranged with colleagues on the course and course tutor

If the above dates are not suitable for you, please let us know right away as we are adding more dates soon.

The facilitator was well-versed, empathetic, and easy to engage with. The range of activities and the facilitator's understanding of attendee needs were commendable.

Course Participant Feedback

Course Fees

You can choose to pay the course fees in one single payment or choose our instalment plan. Get full course access as soon as you pay the first instalment.

  • £600.00

    A One-Time Payment

    Enrol Now
  • 6 x £104.00

    6 monthly payments of £104.00

    Enrol Now
  • 12 x £53.00

    12 monthly payments of £53.00

    Enrol Now

Course Prerequisite

Participate in a Reflective Practice Group

We welcome individuals who have either participated in a practice session with Beverly or have any level of prior facilitation experience. If you have experience in facilitation, you are encouraged to join the course, and we are open to scheduling a conversation with Beverly and the Temenos Directors to better understand your unique experiences and perspectives.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Cancellation Policy:

We get it, life happens and plans can change. Here's what you need to know about our cancellation policy for the Foundation Certificate in Reflective Practice Group Facilitation Skills course:

Refund and Rescheduling:

Should you wish to withdraw within 30 days of making the full payment or the first instalment, and there's still over a month before the course commences, we'll provide a full refund.

If you've been enrolled for more than a month, but there's still over 60 days until the course begins, you're eligible for a 50% refund.

For those who decide to cancel with 30-60 days remaining before the course starts, we can offer a 25% refund.

Regrettably, if there are fewer than 30 days left before the course starts, we cannot offer a refund.

If you're on a payment plan, refunds will be calculated based on the amount you've already paid. Please note, any outstanding amounts are still payable to Temenos Education Ltd.

If circumstances change, you have the option to reschedule and join a future training programme within the year, subject to availability.


Unable to attend the course? Not to worry. You can nominate a suitable replacement to attend in your stead at no additional cost. They will need to meet all the course prerequisites.

We aim to be as accommodating as possible. Should you have any queries or require assistance with the cancellation or rescheduling process, our team is here to assist.

So... Any Questions? Here's What Your Fellow Group Facilitation Learners Have Asked Before Clicking Enroll.

  • Where will the course be conducted?

    The course will be conducted on the Zoom Video Meeting Platform. Participants will receive a link to join the sessions prior to the start date. Ensure you have the Zoom application installed and a stable internet connection for the best experience.

  • What is the duration of the Foundation Certificate in Facilitation Skills course?

    The course spans over two weekends and the intervening period. The initial phase of the course, Module 1, begins with an intensive two-day session on a Saturday and Sunday of a particular weekend. This is followed by a third day of training on a Saturday, one month later. During the month-long interval between the two weekends, participants will embark on Module 2, where they will independently organise and lead a series of four practice groups as trainee facilitators, without the trainer's presence. After each of these practice groups, a 1.5-hour group supervision session will be conducted by the trainer. Thus, the course's duration encompasses two full weekends and the additional time spent on the practice groups and supervision sessions in the month between.

  • Is the course suitable for practitioners at all experience levels?

    Yes, the Foundation Certificate in Facilitation Skills in Collaboration is designed to accommodate practitioners at all experience levels. Whether a seasoned professional or someone new to the field, the course provides foundational knowledge and practical skills in group facilitation. It recognises that while facilitating reflective support groups might not be within all frontline practitioners’ initial skill sets, many possess transferable skills. The training aims to harness these skills and further develop them, making it suitable for both novices and experienced practitioners looking to expand their expertise in group facilitation.

  • Will I receive a qualification upon completion of the course?

    Yes, upon successful completion, you will be awarded the Temenos Qualification with the title of Foundation Certificate in Facilitation Skills. Additionally, your qualification will specify one of the following three outcomes based on your readiness and proficiency: - Complete the training but not yet ready to facilitate groups. - Complete the training and ready to co-facilitate groups with a more experienced facilitator. - Complete the training and ready to facilitate groups on your own.

  • Can I access course materials after the completion of the programme?

    Yes, you will have continued access to the course materials even after completing the programme.

  • Is there any required prior knowledge or prerequisites for enrolling in this course?

    No, there is no prior knowledge required to enrol in this course. However, the prerequisite for this course is that all participants must have participated in one of the Reflective Practice Groups facilitated by Beverley Costa and hosted by Onlinevents. Please see the section on this page for more details.

  • Will there be opportunities for practical application and feedback during the course?

    Yes, during the course, participants will have multiple opportunities for practical application, notably through participating in and facilitating Reflective Practice Groups. After leading practice groups, participants will also receive feedback during the 1.5-hour group supervision sessions conducted by the trainer. This structure ensures continuous learning, hands-on experience, and improvement throughout the training.

  • How will this course benefit professionals wanting to add group facilitation to their skill set?

    This course offers professionals a comprehensive introduction to group facilitation, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to lead and manage reflective practice groups effectively. Through hands-on training and practical exercises, participants will learn how to create a psychologically safe space, foster open communication, and navigate challenging group dynamics. The course also highlights the transferability of many practitioners' existing skills, showing how they can be applied and expanded upon in a group facilitation context. By the end of the training, professionals will be well-prepared to offer this valuable support to their colleagues and other groups, enhancing both individual and collective professional development.

  • What is the teaching approach used in this course?

    The course utilises a hands-on, experiential learning approach. It integrates the Critical Apprenticeship/Learning-by-Doing model with Reflective Practice, allowing participants to actively engage in and reflect upon group facilitation. The course emphasises peer support, practical facilitation exercises, and the 3R’s model (Reparative, Reflective, Responsive) for reflective support groups. Additionally, participants benefit from "Knowing-in-Action" insights and group supervision sessions, ensuring they acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical facilitation skills suitable for various professional contexts.

  • What is the course commitment to anti-oppressive practice?

    The course is firmly rooted in modeling anti-oppressive practices. Central to its curriculum is an exploration of our personal, professional, and societal relationships with power. Participants are encouraged to reflect on the dynamics between power, disempowerment, and inequality, especially as they play out in group contexts.

  • What is the primary prerequisite for the Reflective Practice Group Attendance?

    All participants must have attended one of the Reflective Practice Groups facilitated by Beverley Costa and hosted by Onlinevents. Each group session lasts 2 hours, with two sessions spaced two weeks apart.

  • What is expected in terms of ethical practice for applicants?

    All applicants must demonstrate a commitment to ethical practice. This includes respect for client confidentiality, informed consent, and the preservation of professional boundaries.

  • Is proficiency in English required for this course?

    Yes, since the course is conducted in English, applicants must have a proficient command of the English language, both in speech and writing.

  • Are there any technological requirements for the course?

    Yes, due to the online nature of the course, applicants need consistent access to a computer or laptop with a reliable internet connection, a functioning webcam and a functioning microphone. Ensure your device is fully charged or connected to mains power before sessions. Mobile phones are not suitable for joining the training sessions.

  • What personal qualities are expected from applicants?

    The course is rigorous and requires personal maturity and self-awareness. Applicants should be ready for introspection and be open to both giving and receiving feedback.

  • Are there any additional support resources required for participants?

    Participants should have supplementary support resources beyond the group and the trainer. This can be formal support like supervision or counselling, or other types of informal support.

  • Are the entry requirements strict or is there some flexibility?

    While the entry requirements provide a general framework, individual situations may be considered. If you're unsure about your eligibility, please contact our admissions team for further guidance.

  • What are the next steps after the course?

    What you do next as a result of this training will depend partly on your starting point and experience. Some people who have had experience in leading groups will feel confident to set up their own Reflective Practice Group. Others with less experience may wish to develop their skills by facilitating a group together with a more experienced colleague. Some people may want to participate in more practice and training opportunities before they feel confident to facilitate a group.

What's Next?

What can you do after the course?

What you do next as a result of this training will depend partly on your starting point and experience. Some people who have had experience in leading groups will feel confident to set up their own Reflective Practice Group. Others with less experience may wish to develop their skills by facilitating a group together with a more experienced colleague. Some people may want to participate in more practice and training opportunities before they feel confident to facilitate a group.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey that elevates your group facilitation abilities, broadens your professional offerings, and fosters meaningful outcomes through the expertise of reflective practice group facilitation?

Beginning your Group Facilitation Practitioner Journey

Beverley Costa

We all aspire to experience groups as safe, enriching, and with just the right amount of challenge to help us grow. If the thought of facilitating such an experience feels overwhelming, or if you've faced challenges in past facilitation roles this course will offer the support you need to build your confidence.

I believe that comprehensive training in group facilitation is essential for the success of the group and the well-being of the facilitator. The strain of navigating these challenges without the right preparation can lead to personal burnout and missed growth opportunities for your participants. The need for skilled facilitation in both educational and professional settings, with the goal of enhancing participant development and overall well-being, has never been more pronounced. By starting your training journey as a group facilitator, you have the opportunity to profoundly improve the outcomes and well-being of each participant.

I look forward to working with you. 

Best wishes,

Beverley Costa

The course layout was intuitive and effective, incorporating hands-on learning, exemplary demonstrations, and punctual sessions.

Course Participant Feedback

Beverley Costa

Senior Practitioner Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Reading.

Beverley Costa

After qualifying as a psychotherapist, Beverley Costa established Mothertongue multi-ethnic counselling service, which served multilingual clients from 2000 to 2018. In 2009, she created a mental health interpreter service. A year later, in 2010, she initiated the National Bilingual Therapist and Mental Health Interpreter Forum. In 2017, she founded The Pásalo Project [] to disseminate the learnings from Mothertongue.

Since 2013, Beverley has trained over 5,000 therapists for NHS services and NGOs, focusing on therapeutic work across languages and with interpreters. She holds the title of Senior Practitioner Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London. In 2023, she was granted the title of Senior Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Arts and Communication Design at the University of Reading.

Beverley has facilitated Reflective Practice Support groups for a diverse range of professionals, including interpreters, psychological therapists, counsellors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, academic researchers and psychosocial workers. She has crafted an introductory course in facilitator skills for running Reflective Practice Groups, which has been delivered online to organisations across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Beverley is also the author of *Other Tongues - Psychological Therapies in a Multilingual World*. The book can be found here: [].

Beverley's Group Facilitation Practice

Feedback from participants in Reflective Practice Support Groups

"The session was deeply insightful and uplifting. It showcased the potential depth and fulfillment in this role, offering a beacon of support during challenging moments."

"Throughout, I felt genuinely acknowledged, advocated for, and bolstered."

"The guidance during the session was akin to receiving invaluable expert advice!"

"Being a part of these support groups has been a pivotal enhancement to my research journey. I'm passionate about encouraging more researchers to experience this."

"As highlighted during the introduction, the group offers a unique blend that's neither strictly therapeutic nor entirely devoid of it. It's been a space for me to navigate and articulate certain feelings. This experience has had a profound influence on a segment of my research methodology."

  • £600.00

    A One-Time Payment

    Enrol Now
  • 6 x £104.00

    6 monthly payments of £104.00

    Enrol Now
  • 12 x £53.00

    12 monthly payments of £53.00

    Enrol Now

The Pásalo Project

This course is a collaboration between The Pásalo Project and Temenos Education. 

The Pásalo Project is a UK based organisation, drawing in talented professionals as required to create project-specific responses and solutions for psychological health and social care issues across languages.

Projects have resulted in e-learning resources, training and supervision films, models for counselling and psychotherapy across languages, a performance group of interpreters and more – delivered in the UK, across Europe and globally.

All the project’s work is focused on applied linguistics, psychological therapy and social care, developed and delivered with the core member of the Pásalo Project Dr Beverley Costa DPSych, Senior Practitioner Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London and Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Reading.

You can visit The Pásalo Project by clicking here


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